Frequently Asked Question

The lifespan of parking lot striping depends on several factors such as traffic, weather, and the quality of the paint used. Typically, parking lot striping lasts between 1 to 2 years. However, striping may need to be refreshed more frequently in areas with high traffic or harsh weather conditions. It is recommended to have regular maintenance and re-striping as necessary to ensure clear and safe markings.

The main colors for parking lot striping contractors are typically white and yellow. White is used for marking parking spaces, crosswalks, and stop bars, while yellow is used for painted curbs, loading zones, and cautionary markings. In some cases, blue and green may also be used for specific areas such as handicap spaces and bike lanes.

Asphalt sealcoating is a process of adding a protective layer of sealer to asphalt surfaces. This protective layer can extend the life of the asphalt, prevent cracking, and protect against damage caused by weather, oil, and other substances. However, the effectiveness of sealcoating depends on various factors, such as the quality of the sealer used, the condition of the asphalt surface, and the frequency of application. Regular maintenance, including sealcoating, may help to extend the life of the asphalt surface.

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant parking lots are designed to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to parking spaces and can safely and easily navigate parking areas. Here are some key features of an ADA-compliant parking lot.

The best season for sealcoating in Ohio is late spring to early fall, typically around May to September. This is when the weather is warm and dry, allowing the sealcoat to properly cure and adhere to the pavement. It’s important to avoid sealing during periods of high humidity or rain, as this can prevent proper drying and bonding of the sealcoat.

Paving involves the process of laying down a new layer or surface of asphalt or concrete to create a new driveway, parking lot, or road. Sealcoating, on the other hand, is a protective layer that is applied over an existing asphalt surface to protect against damage from the elements and wear and tear. It helps to extend the life of the surface and keep it looking new. In short, paving creates a new surface, while sealcoating protects an existing one.

Yes, it is recommended to repair potholes prior to sealcoating. If you do not repair the potholes first, the sealcoat will not adhere properly to the surface and the potholes will continue to deteriorate. Repairing the potholes first will ensure a smooth surface for the sealcoat to be applied to, extending the life of the pavement.

The process for a parking lot layout involves the following steps:

  1. Site Assessment: Conduct a site assessment to determine the size of the parking lot and any constraints such as the topography, utilities, and drainage.
  2. Design Criteria: Establish the design criteria such as required number of parking spaces, ADA accessibility, and minimum aisle width.
  3. Parking Layout: Develop a parking layout that optimizes the number of parking spaces and efficient traffic flow.
  4. Marking and Signage: Select the appropriate marking and signage to clearly indicate the location of parking spaces, traffic flow, and any restrictions.

The frequency of asphalt crack repair depends on several factors such as weather conditions, traffic volume, and the quality of the installation. Generally, it is suggested to inspect asphalt surfaces annually and perform repairs as needed to prevent small cracks from developing into more extensive damage. However, if the asphalt is exposed to harsh weather conditions, heavy traffic, or poor installation, it may require repairs more frequently, even up to several times a year.