Field Marking

Crisp, accurate markings on a sports field are essential for games and competitions. Football, soccer, baseball, lacrosse, and field hockey are just a few of the games that require precise markings. Track and field events also rely on accurate, neat markings. In the past, laying out fields for marking at the start of each season could be a time-consuming task. Then, after completing the layout, groundskeepers had to apply the markings. Public sports complexes or campuses with fields for various sports could incur substantial labor costs just for the initial markings. Now, there is a better, faster, and more economical way to stripe field marking: TinyMobileRobots.

What Are TinyMobileRobots?

This is the brand name for a series of high-precision, user-friendly, versatile outdoor robots for marking fields. They use advanced GPS technology that combines real-time kinematic positioning and global navigation satellite systems to provide centimeter-level accuracy.

What Are the Advantages of Using TinyMobileRobots for Field Marking?

There are numerous advantages to using robotic technology to lay out and mark your fields. Here are a few of them.

  1. These robots are sufficiently compact and light enough that one person can transport one in a passenger car. Other outdoor robots can weigh more than twice as much, and they typically require a trailer or utility vehicle to move them. Furthermore, one person can easily control the robot through all stages of the field marking operation. As a rule, the fewer people you need to perform a task, the less you will pay for labor.
  2. These robots are fast. They are capable of striping a full-sized football or soccer field in less than half an hour. This can result in a savings of three hours or more per field.
  3. The company offers more than 50 standard templates for fields of all types. The operator simply selects the template, makes any necessary adjustments or customizations, and starts the operation.
  4. Every template offers endless opportunities for customization. Omit certain markings, resize the coaching zones, change the length of the field, or make any other alterations necessary.
  5. The operator can create and select multiple fields for the robot to mark. When it finishes one field, it will automatically begin the next.
  6. Once the robot begins striping the first field marking, the operator is free to work on other tasks. If the paint begins to run low, or if a clog forms, the robot will notify the operator of the issue.
  7. After completing the job, on-screen instructions and controls make cleaning up a breeze. However, it is also possible to clean the paint system without using the tablet.

At Columbus Line Striping, we understand the need for accuracy when striping any type of field, pavement, or warehouse. We employ the latest technologies to make sure that lines are straight and have the correct spacing. In addition to field marking, we offer parking lot striping, warehouse striping, asphalt crack sealing, parking lot maintenance, residential and commercial asphalt sealcoating, and parking lot layout design to customers throughout Central Ohio. If you would like to request a free job quote, give us a call at 614-370-5762, or use our online form to send us your information.